Monday, June 13, 2011

24/7 Prayer- The Challenge

Seven days,
Twenty-four hours a day-
One hundred sixty-eight hours or
 Ten thousand and eighty minutes
Monks in Europe practiced continual prayer for 100 years!
 Young people from Revelation Church in Chichester, England, 
decided that if monks could do it for 100 years,
they could do it for a month. 
That was in 1999
They are still praying.
Since then 24/7 prayer has become an international movement
24/7 prayer rooms span the globe
People in the most unlikely places are praying.
At this moment,
95 groups in 25 countries are praying.
(Make that 96, if you include us)
And we're not just talking churches, either
Small rooms in the back of restaurants, hospitals and bars
Bringing Jesus into the world!

But that's crazy, you say
It's totally unrealistic!
A week?
Why not start smaller? 
Just filling 24 hours would be challenging enough
It's outrageous, really.
You are asking me to pray for a whole hour?
What will I say?
What if I get bored, fall asleep?
I'm really not that great at praying, even for a few minutes
let alone a whole hour. 

Our challenge at Kingwood Christian Church
is 24/7 prayer for the next week.
If the monks did it for 100 years
And young people in England
 have been praying since 1999
Can't we commit to
Seven days,
Twenty-four hours a day-
One hundred sixty-eight hours?

Are we open to to possibility
that God will meet us there
that miracles could happen
that prayer can take many forms
that just showing up is enough

Are we open to the whisper of God
in candles,
and art,
and music,
and confession,
and bapismal water
and Scripture,
and movement,
and the bread and cup?

Will we meet Him in the stillness?


  1. Count me in! This will be a great way to get back to being involved.

  2. Hello Uninhabited Man - You are on for 3 am on Wednesday!
