Friday, June 24, 2011

Photography as Prayer

24/7 Prayer Challenge
Jim Fuehrer offers his perspective
Pray for people suffering from addictions of all kinds

Art as Prayer

Grafitti Wall

 Mold Your Prayer

Communion with Christ

Confessing our sins

 Praying globally for our sisters and brothers around the world

 Praying with Saints and Icons

Pray for the Staff of KWCC

 Pray for Upcoming Mission Trips

Writing Poetry with God

 Prayer Wall

 Praying with Sacred Objects

 The Net - praying for those who don't know God's love

Prayer for our world leaders

Pray for Leaders of our City, State, & Nation 

Reading in God's Presence

Thank you, Jim, for sharing your gifts with us
and for helping us to glimpse the sacred in the everyday.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I can totally see why Ryan got lost in it and didn't come back for an hour and a half. I think I would have wanted to spend an hour at each station. I think I might just have to tuck these ideas in to my file and pull then out sometime. Hmmm.
